Land of Northern

Poster from release party

Poster from release party

Johnny have the CD in his hand for the first time

Christian Liljegren & Ray Alex ” Yes Christian your name is here as well”

Tommy Mikk

Christian Liljegren & Ray Alex

Anders Olsson & Rowland Alex

Anders Olsson & Pontus Norgren / Hammerfall

Roger – Dirty Dogs & Ray Alex – Neptune

Tommy Mikk

Fan Pix

Rowland Alex

Rowland Alex & Tommy Mikk

Fan Pix

Anders Olsson & Jake E / Cyhra

Christian Liljegren & Ray Alex

Fan Pix

Anders Olsson

Anders Olsson & Tommy Karevik / Kamelot

Christian Liljegren & Ray Alex

Ray & Jonas

Rowland Alex

Magnus Ekvall- The Quill & Ray Alex – Neptune

Jonas Wikström & Glenn Tipton

Fan Pix

Fan Pix

Ray Alex

Andreas Vaple

Fan Pix

Christian Liljegren & Ray Alex

Rowland Alex

Rowland Alex & Tommy Mikk

Anders Olsson & Fredrik Thomander in Palma Music Studio

30 years anniversary with Christian Liljegren from Narnia

I think it´s Neptune him self at the left.. Lets call him Micke Lund
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